Answered By: Information Desk
Last Updated: Oct 19, 2021     Views: 714


We recommend that:

1. Students do not forward email from the email system to a non-UFV email system.

2. Students always use their UFV email address when contacting instructors.



  • We can't guarantee that you will receive messages forwarded to another email system. A forwarded message could bounce if your inbox is full or otherwise unavailable, or it could e blocked altogether by a spam filter.
  • Email sent from a non-UFV email  address to a UFV address may be blocked  by our spam filters without notification to  you or the recipient.  Your instructor or  other important recipient may not receive  your email at all. 
  • The UFV-assigned email address clearly  identifies you as a student.  For example,  email from or may look like  spam in an instructor's inbox, and be  deleted unread.
  • If you are submitting an assignment close  to deadline, the UFV email system will get it  to your instructor on time. Other email systems  may delay sending email, which could cause  assignments to be delivered late to your  instructor's inbox.  This could result in  deducted marks or worse, depending on  your instructor's late assignment policy.
  • Having to maintain additional non-UFV mailing  lists makes more work for instructors who may be  interacting with 100+ students per term.   

But if you must:

1.Access your student email account:

Log into your email account using your student email and password

Click on the Settings Icon Settings - Free Tools and utensils icons and type "Forwarding" into the search box. Select "Forwarding" when it appears.

From there, you'll be brought to the following screen. 

Select "Enable forwarding" then type your email in the box.

**Note: we highly recommend that you enable the options to keep a copy of emails in your original (UFV) inbox in case there are issues with the forwarding -- this will keep your emails from getting lost. 


For further information check the ITS Knowledge Base under Student email.