Answered By: Information Desk
Last Updated: Mar 05, 2016     Views: 90

The user file shows up as your name when you look in My Computer (in the left panel). When students save to this folder they must return to that exact computer to retrieve their item, as their user file is linked to each computer they log into. Normally the User file is emptied as soon as the computer is logged out (all computer labs have this), however the Abbotsford library (& possibly Chilliwack)’s computers have been set up so that the User file is only emptied when the computer is turned off or restarted.

 If you can't find your files, double check where you saved them to and also what computers were you using when you saved them.  If you are lucky and can get back onto the computer they used, they might be able to retrieve their document. Chilliwack you will have to find someone with a student account to experiment with and see if this is the same for your library computers.